sabato 30 aprile 2016

Inserts in the FX channel (or "how to effect an effect")

Hello and welcome to this week's article!
This article must be intended as an appendix of our Fx channel track article.

As we have seen there is no need while mixing to load, for example, a reverb on each track we need to effect, first off because it's better to use a reverb with the same settings for all tracks to give the impression that all the instruments are played together in the same room at the same time, and also because good reverbs are very heavy on cpu.

How can we do it?
We can create an Fx Channel track, and feed it (via the SEND function) to the single tracks, so that we have a reverb for every track, and eventually another one specific for voice and/or guitar solos (or for other particular needs).

Now that we have our effect track ready, we might need some improvement on it, for example it may happen that just feeding the reverb on the snare track, it makes the snare too dark, too "80s".
In this case we could set an EQ in the insert of the fx track with a high pass filter up to 1khz, for example: this way the reverb will only work from 1khz up, and not affect the part of the sound below it.

This method of stacking processors in the same effect track may lead to some really creative use, for example we could add a compressor sidechained to the kick, so that it activates the reverb (or anything else) only when the kick is not playing.... The possibilities are really endless.
Please let us know your favourite fx sends inserts in the comments below!

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