sabato 9 maggio 2020

Review: Audio Assault Signature Ir Cab Pack (with video comparison sample)

Hello and welcome to this week's article!
Today we are going to review another Audio Assault product: Signature Ir Cab Pack.

This is a very rich IR pack, the first paid one produced by SeaCow Cabswhich features more than 1500 phase coherent impulses, divided in 13 cabinets, each one with separate impulses for single microphones (the most used in the studios: Shure SM57, Royer R121, Neumann U87, Shure SM7B, Sennheiser MD421) and combined ones, both in Wave file and Line6 Helix format.

The cabinets are divided by artist, meaning that they are those used by famous rock and metal artists (in my sample I compare 5 ot the 13: those used by Kirk Hammet of Metallica, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold, Misha Mansoor of Periphery and Jim Root of Slipknot), but the thing that I have appreciated the most is the fact that for once, the way these impulses were captured and named is tidy and intuitive:

each cabinet has a folder for each microphone, and within each folder there are some irs, each one corresponding to a different position in the speaker, from closest to the farthest from the dustcap.

This intuitive approach, which should be the normality but anyone that has tried different impulse packs knows that usually it's quite the opposite, led me to choose the microphones and the positionings the same way I would do in a real studio, fot example combining an SM57 at the edge of the dustcap with a Royer, or with the MD421, and the result was like I was expecting, sign that these impulses are very realistic and well captured.

What else to say? This is a very complete pack which will provide every rock/metal fan all the tools to dominate the amp simulator world for years, offering a canvas of tonal capabilities which covers all the most common studio microphones and positionings, and at its price range it's probably one of the best if not the best ir pack on the market today.

Thumbs up! 

Signal Chain: LTD 1007ET -> Ignite TSB-1 -> NaLex Uber -> Lancaster Audio Pulse 

Specs taken from the website:

- 1500+ IRs

- 13 Guitar Cabinets

- 5 Mics Per Cabinet

- 50+ Mic Mixes Per Cab

- 65 Helix Presets

- Available as WAV files & Helix Presets

- Made by Seacow Cabs

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